Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Zombies Infect Houston Music Scene!

It's been many years since I ventured into a Houston club to watch a metal band with Andrew "C" Schlett. (He was always very kind to protect me from getting too close to the mosh pit!) Now, having recently returned to the old stomping grounds in the Lone Star State, he is the new Editor of Rivethead Magazine, a mag that he wrote for years ago. It started out covering the local music scene but over time has involved into much more. In this month's issue, along with a review of the movie, Heavy in Houston: A Look at Today's Houston Metal Scene, and the new CD by the band, A Bitter Season, he has posted a detailed review of Eaters. (Hey...zombies and heavy metal go together like peanut butter and brain jelly, right?) Thanks, Andy! I appreciate the fine words.


  1. What a great review! It feels good to see this kind of thing out in the internet world, doesn't it?

    1. Thanks, Lauralynn. As writers, we experience a lot of ups and downs, so it's always encouraging to know there's someone out there who enjoys our stories :)

  2. You're totally welcome, Michelle! Thank you for letting me work up this book review for you! Anything I can do to help. Keep at this writing thing, girl, you're pretty good! (drat, and I always thought I was the writer between us...)

    1. Oh no...thank YOU! I really appreciate the review. I'm trying to get back in the writing saddle. All the violence in this country the last few months put a litte damper on my zombie-killing spirit. What are you talking about? You are an awesome writer! The words seem to flow much easier from your brain to the keyboard than mine do. When are you going to get some fiction out there?
