Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Is it Wednesday Already?

Time flies when you have no time! I think I wrote about 300 words late Monday evening before exhaustion made me 'cry uncle'. Last night was better--about 550. Being accountable with ROW80 is definitely helping me to make some progress, though I'd really like some tips on how to simplify life to be able to write more. So many nights, I can't even get a chance to sit down at the keyboard until 10pm. There's not much left of the creative brain by then, and sometimes I feel like I'm just throwing words onto 'paper' which is definitely not my goal. I want to have more time to really think about my story--where it started in the beginning, and where it's going in this sequel and the next. I keep waiting to 'catch up' on everything else (laundry, dishes, litter boxes, kid's homework, vacuuming, cleaning, working out a piddly 1-2 x week), but the day job and family take so much time alone, that I can't get to my writing before late in the evening. I still haven't ruled out trying to get up early in the morning to write, so it's priority #1 before everything else kicks in for the day, but saying 'I'm not a morning person' is an understatement. (Although, the older I get--I'm not a 'night person' anymore either.) I know there are a lot of other busy writers out there with day jobs and kids...and don't get me started on the amazing feats of J.K. Rowling who wrote with her brood!!! How do you do it? What's your secret to stretching out the day to make time to write and still find time to sleep?


  1. I've been letting housework go. Right now I have a husband out of work, so he's doing almost everything. Which he mostly does even when he's working. LOL. He's the reason I have more time to write than I normally would. It's still hard, though. After working all day, I have to try to relax before jumping into writing. Setting a goal of only 500 words has really helped. It doesn't take that long to write that many. I don't want that NaNo stress ever again.

  2. I suppose that's the only benefit of having an unemployed spouse. I hope he finds a great job soon. Either that or your writing becomes so successful, you can take a lovely vacation and retire :) I quietly envy all the stay-at-home moms (and dads) I know. That's no easy job...but at least you can get the laundry done in between cleaning up the other messes.
